A Letter from your ANA President
Ron Dehn - ANA President
Greetings fellow Astor Neighbors;
By the time this letter is published and delivered, I am hoping that most or all the snow will be gone, and we are experiencing a little spring weather. I hope you all enjoyed your winter and holiday season, and welcome back to those of you who manage to escape Wisconsin’s winter.
This year’s annual meeting will be held on Monday April 15th, yes Tax Day! We will have sign-up sheets for many events. This year’s guest speakers will be Stephanie Hummel and Jason Flatt who will be discussing the new Landmarks Commission which replaces the HPC, or Historical Preservation Committee. They will also discuss which Home Improvement Loans are available as well as the Historical Tax Credits! If you are planning changes to your Astor home, you will not want to miss this.
To begin with, we need board members to help plan and carry out all the events that make Astor a very special place to live. We are short members! Our very first order of business will be to re-elect current members and ask for new members, so please do not be late to the meeting. We also need volunteers for this year’s events which include refreshment sales at the city band concert, the annual Easter egg hunt, and other events throughout the year. Please sign up for these events at the annual meeting and or talk to a board member to become one of us!
We need a strong showing of support from neighbors this year as this should be a very insightful meeting. There will be new leadership in our city this year and we are sure some changes will follow. Once again, I look forward to seeing you at this meeting and discussing the future of our neighborhood and the events we hold or aspire to hold.
Ron Dehn
ANA President
From the Astor Outlook Newsletter. Visit the Archive page to view the newsletter in it's entirety.