The Astor Neighborhood Association (ANA) of Green Bay, Wisconsin came into being in 1974 under the leadership of the associate pastor at Union Congregational Church, Paul Schippel. He and other Astor residents were concerned about the deterioration and vandalism evident in the neighborhood and wanted to take positive steps to become involved in the decision making process that would determine the future of this area. Such issues included the use of the riverfront, hospital parking, and the widening of streets with possible demolition of houses.

Through a comprehensive neighborhood plan developed in cooperation with University of Wisconsin environmental design students, the ANA determined to preserve and revitalize the area while providing for the present and future needs of its residents.

The mission of the Astor Neighborhood Association is to maintain the integrity, vitality, and diversity of the Astor community through the protection and preservation of it’s history, neighborhoods, and architecture.

Today, the ANA is a vibrant neighborhood organization that serves the residents of Astor. The ANA continues to act as a liaison with local government to make sure the neighbors voices are heard. In addition to helping to preserve the historical integrity of Astor, the ANA also hosts many social events for the neighborhood including, the annual Easter Egg Hunt at St. James Park, popcorn sales during the city band concerts, the annual wine tasting event and potlucks throughout the year. These social events are an excellent way for the neighbors of Astor to become aquatinted with one another.

A board of directors that is elected annually by the residents governs the ANA. The Board meets monthly and welcomes all residents to attend these meetings to engage with the community and voice their thoughts. Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month at 6 pm at Union Congregational Church on South Madison St.