A Fall letter from your ANA President

Greetings fellow Astor Neighbors;

Ron Dhein - ANA President

Ron Dhein - ANA President

With fall upon us we can now ask “what happened to Summer?” With the weather and our activities turning the corner into fall mode, we all try to enjoy the remaining days as they become shorter and shorter. With that in mind, I along with the entire Astor board would like to thank everyone who patronized our popcorn stand this summer which is one of our traditional fund-raising events. If you are a member of a club or volunteer organization and you would like to help with your team next year, please contact Paul Schleis or myself so we can get your information. It’s fun to meet the residents of GB and converse with them, and this would be a great learning opportunity for younger folks who are trying to begin to think about entering the work force. Also, thank you to those who volunteered this year, you all seemed to have a good time!

To all the residents of Astor, I am asking that you take a couple minutes to read through this letter. Please note the upcoming events and please think about the time and effort that go into the planning and coordination of these events. We really want you to attend our neighborhood events, and to enjoy the time you spend with fellow neighbors and friends. If you have an idea and would like to create an event for Astor, please contact any of the board members listed on this letter; we need your ideas and we need your help to keep this neighborhood interesting and engaging.

Please enjoy your fall months and stay active and safe. Together we make Astor what it is, a truly great place to live.


Ron Dehn
ANA President

From the Astor Outlook Newsletter. Visit the Archive page to view the newsletter in it's entirety.

Eric Vandeveld