CWAC Letter Clarification

A letter was received in our neighborhood on December 05 by the Clean Water Action Council (CWAC) about the coal piles here in Green Bay. In that letter, the CWAC mentioned that they had met with the Astor Neighborhood Association Board on November 21, but that the Board "declined to provide financial support for additional testing or public support at this time." To clarify: Before we as a Board would respond any further, we urged the CWAC to read a detailed response about the coal piles that our County Board Supervisor Erik Hoyer had posted on a neighborhood blog back in summer. We also had some concerns about the impact of the EMSL test mentioned, as the CWAC executive director did give some indications that the test "might not stand up in court." We question if the CWAC had given full credence to Supervisor Hoyer's response, as the CWAC did not meet with Supervisor Hoyer until after their December 05 letter had been disseminated.

The Astor Neighborhood Association has always been concerned about the presence and effect of the coal piles on the Fox River, and welcomes the opportunity to work further with officials and organizations to pursue options.

NewsEric Vandeveld